On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the third release candidate of Jython 2.7 is available! I'd like to thank Amobee for sponsoring my work on Jython. I'd also like to thank the many contributors to Jython.

Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes. This release of Jython requires JDK 7 or above.

This release is being hosted at maven central. There are three main distributions. In order of popularity:
To see all of the files available including checksums, go here and navigate to the appropriate distribution and version.

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Jeff Allen's Jython 2.7.2 release announcement:

On behalf of the Jython development team, I am pleased to announce that
Jython 2.7.2 has been released.

Notable additions include:

  * much improved support for locale, but as a backward-incompatible
    change, it is provided as an opt-in.
  * a main program that behaves more like CPython in many small ways,
    including -i and -E support.
  * a JAR and POM that may be cited as a dependency by other projects
    using Gradle or Maven (experimental).
  * a great many bug-fixes.

For the details see: https://www.jython.org/news and the NEWS link
there. Convenient download links are at https://www.jython.org/download .

Thanks are due to the many contributors to Jython for making this possible.

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