On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the first release candidate of Jython 2.5.3 is available. I'd like to thank Adconion Media Group for sponsoring my work on Jython. I'd also like to thank the many contributors to Jython.

For the first time this release is being entirely hosted at maven central. The traditional installer can be found here. See the installation instructions for using the installer. Three other versions are available:

To see all of the files available including checksums, go here.

Jython 2.5.3 fixes numerous bugs, see the NEWS file for details.

Please report any bugs that you find. Thanks!

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  1. Anonymous3:08 AM

    This is awesome. Thank you for the hard work!

    What are the plans for release of the 2.7 versions, and can we expect to have these at maven central anytime soon?

  2. Now that I have the release process cleaned up a bit, I plan to put all future releases into maven. I am closing on a beta for 2.7, but it will probably be a few weeks before I get that out.

  3. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Thank you for your hard work. Having a 2.7 (or even 2.6) compatible Python for the JVM will be great for everyone.

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