On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that Jython 2.7 alpha2 is available for download. See the installation instructions.

I'd like to thank Adconion Media Group for sponsoring my work on Jython 2.7. I'd also like to thank the many contributors to Jython. Jython 2.7 alpha2 fixes a serious bug where site-packages failed to appear in the path. There are still some missing features, in particular bytearray and the io system are currently incomplete.
Please report any bugs that you find. Thanks!

View comments

  1. Thanks Frank! Works really well so far.

  2. MRodent6:03 AM

    1) with code unchanged (previously 2.5.2) I got:
    (at logging.__init__.py, l. 467)
    s = self._fmt % record.__dict__
    TypeError: int argument required
    - any idea what this is about?

    2) import multiprocessing
    --> "no module named multiprocessing"... was really hoping this (Python 2.6) would be in... as would have allowed interprocess Jython and CPython (latter for speed, version 3, etc.)

    1. MRodent: that's an odd looking error - could you post details on http://bugs.jython.org?

  3. The links on the jython site news page appear to have '5' on the end of them, and send you to a download link for jython 2.5.

    1. Chris2048: oops - that does look broken, I'll see if I can get it fixed, thanks!

  4. MRodent: On Jython you should be using "threading" wherever you would have used "multiprocessing" -- I had a conversation a number of years back with Jesse Noller (the original author of multiprocessing) and he sees no point in putting it in Jython. There are lots of ways of doing interprocess communication between different implementations of Python - Perhaps look at the subprocess module?

  5. Hi Frank. Thanks for all the work you've done. Much much appreciated. If you are ever down Melbourne, Australia way one day, let me know. All the beer you can drink (I hope I dont regret this offer :-) ).

    Anyways, I have have been using your jar runner class ala this.


    I have also installed xlrd ( http://pypi.python.org/pypi/xlrd/) and zipped it into the distributable jar I wanted.

    However, when I run my script, I get
    Exception in thread "MainThread" Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "__pyclasspath__/__run__.py", line 5, in
    File "__pyclasspath__/dataloader.py", line 5, in
    ImportError: No module named xlrd

    This seems to go away when I move the xlrd package in the jar from Lib/site-packages to Lib.

    ie. works the way I expect it to now after the move.

    Am I doing something wrong here?
    Is this related to this defect?

    Many thanks again for your work.
    - Chai

  6. Oh, and I am using jython2.7a2 and java 1.6.0_20.

  7. Awesome work! A couple questions:
    When's this going to move out of alpha?

    When's this going to be maven-ized?

    Anyways this work is super-exciting and I'm glad you've (and Adconion) been able to pick it up.

  8. Chai: If I'm ever in Australia I'll look you up - and I don't drink *that* much beer ;)

    In 2.7a2 that bug should be fixed - but just in case have you tried on the latest trunk? I should be putting out a 2.7a3 (or perhaps a beta if I can resolve a couple of blockers) soon.

    kbrowder: I think 2.7 should be out of alpha in a few weeks - I'm no longer on Jython 100% of the time so things will slow a little. Mavenizing Jython (2.5.3 and 2.7) are near the top of my todo list - I should have that done for 2.5.3 before the next 2.7 comes out (then 2.7 will be there too)

  9. Antonio2:26 AM

    Nice work thanks!

    How can I help? Is there any bug tracking or how can I post problems/bug as long as I found them?

    Thanks again .. although this means I might have to touch java.

  10. Antonio: thanks! The bug tracker is here: http://bugs.jython.org -- posting bugs should not force you to look at any Java :) -- if you do want to get involved, our attempt at a devguide is here: http://wiki.python.org/jython/JythonDeveloperGuide/

  11. Frank;
    stumbled across this blog entry searching for Jython 2.7, see this is still "alpha" and the post is a bit older. Is there any update on the current state of Jy2.7?

    TIA and all the best, thanks for the great work in 2.5.3!

  12. Kristian Rink: I haven't had as much time to push 2.7 forward lately - we are closing in on a beta release but it's hard to give a solid estimate on exactly when it will be out. I hoping to get that done within a few weeks.

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Jython 2.7.2 final released!
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