1. About a year and a half ago my dream job of doing nothing but Jython all day and night came to an end. To re-integrate myself into society I had to go cold turkey on Jython for a while so I could learn how to have a regular job again. I've contributed to Jython here and there by coding some of this and that, but I've failed to take care of the most important part: helping new people that want to get involved in Jython. I've let that go on for too long and I need to turn things around and get back to doing that. Recently a frustrated patch author sent an email about how hard it is to become a Jython contributor. He has some patches that have been sitting around for a long time and I'm pretty ashamed that that is the normal course of things lately. So, as I start giving Jython a bit more of my spare time again, I plan to make it a priority to review patches and try to figure out how to grow the Jython developer community again. So send patches and I promise to look at them. In particular, if anyone wants to put together patches that fix failing tests in the default Jython branch that targets 2.6 compatibility, I'll be right on them. I'll put together another post on contributing to Jython soon.

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