1. My time at Sauce Labs is at an end, and so I am looking for a new opportunity. I had a great time at Sauce Labs where I worked on building a cloud based infrastructure for test automation with Selenium. I have been working in software for more than twelve years, often in a lead role. I am well regarded in the Open Source world, where I have participated in and helped build communities. I have been the Jython project lead for six years. I am a committer on the Python project, and a member of the Python Software Foundation. I have done a wide variety of work in recent history: development and leadership work in Java and Python, from parsing Python source and compiling to Java bytecodes, to coding and administrating distributed cloud based web applications. I am able to do work in any of these areas, on either a full time or consulting/contracting basis. My contact information can be found on my Google profile. My LinkedIn profile is a good summary of my credentials.

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