1. I've always regarded working full time on Jython at Sun as a miraculous sabbatical that might come to an end at any moment. Sadly that time has come. I've worked with many amazing people and had a great time: Sun provided me with one of the greatest professional experiences I have had, for which I will always be grateful.

    I'm very pleased with how far Jython has come during my tenure at Sun. Jython is now a modern version of Python, and has the momentum to continue its growth. A far larger group of developers than ever before contribute regularly, making Jython a very healthy project. Jython runs many more of the key frameworks and applications that are popular in the Python world. In the future we will be making Jython better, faster, and more complete. I started working on Jython long before I joined Sun, and I certainly plan be a part of Jython's future.

    I am looking for a new opportunity, and am open to many possibilities. I have been working in software for more than twelve years, often in a lead role. I am well regarded in the Open Source world, where I have participated in and helped build communities. I have been the Jython project lead for almost five years. I am a committer on the Python project, and a member of the Python Software Foundation. I have done a wide variety of work in recent history: development and leadership work in Java and Python, from the abstract level of parsing Python source and compiling to Java bytecodes, to the more concrete work of web development. I am able to do work in any of these areas, on either a full time or consulting/contracting basis. My contact information can be found on my Google profile and my LinkedIn profile is a good summary of my credentials.

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