Happy New Year! On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that Jython 2.5b1 is available for download. See the installation instructions.

Jython 2.5 Beta1 continues a code cooling period where the number of new features should significantly slow as we concentrate on solidifying Jython 2.5 for an eventual release. I would guess that we will put out about two more betas before we start pushing out release candidates, hopefully in February.

This is a beta release so be careful.

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  1. Awesome.. lets hope that the Jython 2.5 final will make it into the next release of Ubuntu!

  2. > lets hope that the Jython 2.5 final will make it into the next release of Ubuntu!

    Why does it matter? The nice thing about Java packages like this is that they don't need packaging or compiling against a particular kernel - just unzip it somewhere sensible and symlink the jython shell script to /usr/bin.

    Good news indeed on the 2.5 beta - looking forward to using it. Won't help with the Websphere admin though - stuck with IBM's half arsed hack of 2.1...

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

    How come the jython.org website is down so much?

  4. Anonymous: there is a problem with the routing so that you need the "www" at the beginning (so http://www.jython.org, not http://jython.org). It's on my todo list to figure out who to contact. I thought I knew but they never responded.

  5. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Nice! (But, please correct the release year to 2009 on the Jython homepage: http://www.jython.org/Project/)

  6. cowmix: I'd love to see Jython 2.5 make it into Ubuntu.

    Ant: This sort of thing matters because some users will only use software that can be pulled down with apt-get. I actually tend that way when I can get away with it :)

  7. js: Thanks for the correction!

  8. Is this release compatible with JSR-223 scripting yet?

  1. Jeff Allen's Jython 2.7.2 release announcement:

    On behalf of the Jython development team, I am pleased to announce that
    Jython 2.7.2 has been released.

    Notable additions include:

      * much improved support for locale, but as a backward-incompatible
        change, it is provided as an opt-in.
      * a main program that behaves more like CPython in many small ways,
        including -i and -E support.
      * a JAR and POM that may be cited as a dependency by other projects
        using Gradle or Maven (experimental).
      * a great many bug-fixes.

    For the details see: https://www.jython.org/news and the NEWS link
    there. Convenient download links are at https://www.jython.org/download .

    Thanks are due to the many contributors to Jython for making this possible.

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  2. On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the second beta release of Jython 2.7.2 is available! This is a bugfix release.

    Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes. This release of Jython requires JDK 8 or above.

    This release is being hosted at maven central. There are four main distributions (including a new "slim" version). In order of popularity:
    To see all of the files available including checksums, go to the maven query for org.python+Jython and navigate to the appropriate distribution and version.

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  3. On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the final release of Jython 2.7.1 is available! We thought 2017-07-01 was a perfect time to release version 2.7.1 :) This is a bugfix release. Bug fixes include improvements in ssl and pip support along with lots of improvements in CPython compatibility.

    Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes. This release of Jython requires JDK 7 or above.

    This release is being hosted at maven central. There are three main distributions. In order of popularity:
    To see all of the files available including checksums, go to the maven query for org.python+Jython and navigate to the appropriate distribution and version.

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  4. On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the third release candidate of Jython 2.7.1 is available! This is a bugfix release. Bug fixes include improvements in ssl and pip support.

    Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes. This release of Jython requires JDK 7 or above.

    This release is being hosted at maven central. There are three main distributions. In order of popularity:
    To see all of the files available including checksums, go to the maven query for org.python+Jython and navigate to the appropriate distribution and version.

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  5. On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the second release candidate of Jython 2.7.1 is available! This is a bugfix release. Bug fixes include improvements in ssl and pip support.

    Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes. This release of Jython requires JDK 7 or above.

    This release is being hosted at maven central. There are three main distributions. In order of popularity:
    To see all of the files available including checksums, go to the maven query for org.python+Jython and navigate to the appropriate distribution and version.

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  6. On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the third beta of Jython 2.7.1 is available! This is a bugfix release. Bug fixes include improvements in zlib and pip support.

    Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes. This release of Jython requires JDK 7 or above.

    This release is being hosted at maven central. There are three main distributions. In order of popularity:
    To see all of the files available including checksums, go to the maven query for Jython and navigate to the appropriate distribution and version.

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  7. On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the second beta of Jython 2.7.1 is available! This is a bugfix release. Bug fixes include better unit testing under windows and the restoration of os.getpid() function.

    Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes. This release of Jython requires JDK 7 or above.

    This release is being hosted at maven central. There are three main distributions. In order of popularity:
    To see all of the files available including checksums, go to the maven query for Jython and navigate to the appropriate distribution and version.

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  8. On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the first beta of Jython 2.7.1 is available! This is a bugfix release. Bug fixes include:
    • Import systems fixes for relative imports and some circular imports.
    • -m command now executes scripts from inside a jar file.
    • bytearray matches cpython's behavior better.
    Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes. This release of Jython requires JDK 7 or above.

    This release is being hosted at maven central. There are three main distributions. In order of popularity:
    To see all of the files available including checksums, go to the maven query for Jython and navigate to the appropriate distribution and version.

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  9. On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the final release of Jython 2.7.0 is available! It's been a long road to get to 2.7, and it's finally here! I'd like to thank Amobee for sponsoring my work on Jython. I'd also like to thank the many contributors to Jython, including - but not limited to - bug reports, patches, pull requests, documentation changes, support emails, and fantastic conversation on Freenode at #jython.

    Along with language and runtime compatibility with CPython 2.7.0, Jython 2.7 provides substantial
    support of the Python ecosystem. This includes built-in support of pip/setuptools (you can use with bin/pip) and a native launcher for Windows (bin/jython.exe), with the implication that you can finally install Jython scripts on Windows.

    Jim Baker presented a talk at PyCon 2015 about Jython 2.7, including demos of new features.

    Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes. This release of Jython requires JDK 7 or above.

    This release is being hosted at maven central. There are three main distributions. In order of popularity:
    To see all of the files available including checksums, go here and navigate to the appropriate distribution and version.

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  10. On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that the third release candidate of Jython 2.7 is available! I'd like to thank Amobee for sponsoring my work on Jython. I'd also like to thank the many contributors to Jython.

    Please see the NEWS file for detailed release notes. This release of Jython requires JDK 7 or above.

    This release is being hosted at maven central. There are three main distributions. In order of popularity:
    To see all of the files available including checksums, go here and navigate to the appropriate distribution and version.

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