Tor Norbye has been working on nbPython, which will bring Python support to NetBeans 6.5. As anyone that has ever worked with me will know, I am one of those "You will pry my Vim from my cold dead fingers" kind of developers. I work at Sun, and nbPython is directly using the ANTLR parser that I developed for Jython, but these are not sufficient reasons for me to abandon my beloved Vim. Having said that, Tor recently posted a weblog where he demonstrates the tool by simply pulling up datetime.py right out of the Jython distribution and immediately finding an ancient typo ("ValueError" was misspelled as "ValuError" in an exception block). The fix is checked into trunk, but it had been there for a long time. Maybe these "IDE"s I keep hearing about are worth looking into after all :). Certainly I will be trying out NetBeans on the Jython Lib to see what else I can find soon. An nbPython early access should be appearing soon after NetBeans 6.5 is released.
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