1. The Jython roadmap is a bit dated now -- I thought I'd put an updated version here first, take comments, and then update the official roadmap. BTW there is a more detailed roadmap on the wiki which I'll also need to update. Also, if you have dependencies for a Python project that you want working in Jython, please put an issue in our tracker so we can get a chance to fix it before we release!


    Note that Jython's version numbers represent the version of CPython from which Jython pulls most of its libraries that are written in pure Python (as opposed to the parts that are written in Java).

    Jython 2.2.1

    Jython 2.2.1 has been released. We will produce additional point releases for bug fixing as necessary. We are close to having enough fixed in the 2.2 maintenance branch to put out a 2.2.2 in the somewhat near future.

    Jython 2.5 Beta
    We are closing in on a beta at the time of this writing. We have a pretty good implementation of Python, passing more than 99% of the unit tests that we pull in from CPython. We have implemented all of the 2.5 language features and many of the libraries that are new since the 2.2 release of Jython. A couple of features that I would like to get in have not quite made it for this beta, but I think we will sneak them in slightly post-beta. Those features are: some kind of replacement for jythonc, ctypes, bz2, elementree, and ast.py (which is the exposed _ast.py added in CPython 2.6 -- _ast.py is already in Jython 2.5) I hope to have the first beta out in October.

    Jython 2.5 Final
    After sneaking in the features above, we need to get all of the unit tests either passing or consciously skipped. We also need to make sure that all of the issues and patches in the Jython tracker have been carefully looked at and either fixed, closed, or marked for the next version. I hope to have a Jython 2.5 out in January.

    Next Jython 2.x
    I think we are going to skip 2.6 and target 2.7, mainly because we can coordinate much better with upstream CPython if we are working on the same version. Also, according to this thread on Python-Dev, 2.7 may be a shorter "cleanup" style release, which should make it easier to track.

    Jython 3.0
    I believe the time is very close for us to start seriously discussing what Jython 3.0 will eventually look like. I think, like CPython, we want to try to be realistic and not go too crazy with the scope of change, but at the same time this will be a chance to re-think some very old design decisions and perhaps make new decisions more in line with modern Jython and JVM realities. That's about all I'm willing to officially say on Jython 3.0 this point.

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