1. I tried the 2.3 branch of Jython with SQLAalchemy against MySQL and found
    that it wasn't that hard to get it to work for a (very) simple test.
    This is by no means complete or even good, but I am keeping the code
    here: http://jython.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jython/trunk/sandbox/wierzbicki/sqlalchemy/

    The three files are a simple test (sqla.py), a monkey-patched version of database/mysql.py (mysql.py) and the "svn diff" against the sqlalchemy repository as of today (mysql.diff), so I can keep track of the changes I made to get things to work. mysql.py can be pasted on top of the real one, then you can run jython (latest from the 2.3 branch) and it works, at least on my
    machine :)

    The table I'm testing against on mysql:

    mysql> select * from users;
    | id | name |
    | 1 | user1 |
    | 2 | user2 |

    The test code looks like this:

    from sqlalchemy import *

    db = create_engine('mysql://username:password@localhost/mydb')
    metadata = BoundMetaData(db)

    users_table = Table('users', metadata, autoload=True)

    s = users_table.select()
    r = s.execute()
    print r.fetchall()

    And produces output that looks like this:

    [(1L, 'user1'), (2L, 'user2')]

    One thing I had to do was switch "re" to "sre" because our "re" is
    missing at least one method. I'll file a bug or fix it (maybe

    I posted this to the sqlalchemy list -- and Michael Bayern
    sounded very enthusiastic about helping to get sqlalchemy running on

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  2. The Jython development team is pleased to announce that Jython 2.2rc2
    is available for download.

    Here are the installation instructions.

    This is a bugfix release.


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