1. Jython 2.2.1 is out.

    Here are the directions for installation.

    This release keeps file reading and writing from going through the JVM's default charset, and fixes a problem with importing Java code from multiple threads among many smaller changes. See the NEWS file for full details.

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  2. Jython 2.2.1rc2 is out.

    Here are the directions for installation.

    This is a bugfix release, see the NEWS file for details.

    If no new problems are found in this candidate, 2.2.1 will be released
    a week from now.

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  3. If you are like me and you've been wanting to get an OLPC for your child (or more likely you are a hardware geek and you want one for you -- hopefully my daughter will let me play with it too), your chance has come.

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  4. A release candidate for Jython 2.2.1, a bugfix release of 2.2, is available for download. See installation instructions. I think this is an important release in that it shows that Jython continues to move forward even after the release of 2.2.

    The biggest change in this release is that file reading and writing will no longer be run through the current JVM's default charset. In the 2.2 release, the bytes read in from a file opened in text mode would be decoded by the default charset and then when written out, bytes would be encoded using the same default charset. In 2.2.1rc1, read returns unadulterated bytes and write doesn't automatically encode the bytes it is writing.

    A full list of changes is available in the NEWS file.

    If no new problems are found in this candidate, 2.2.1 will be released a week from now.


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  5. A couple of weeks ago I worked on Django on Jython for a Jython sprint. I found some places where Jython could use some improvement, and I've been poking around with that. In the meantime, Leo Soto M. took Jython on Django further than I did and there was a nice discussion on the Django list about all of this. It looks like the Django folks are as excited to get their framework working on Jython as I am, which is great because it will go so much faster that way.

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  6. On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that
    Jython 2.2 is available for download. See the installation instructions.

    This is the first production release of Jython in nearly six years,
    and it contains many new features:
    • new-style classes
    • Java List integration
    • PEP 302 implementation
    • iterators
    • generators
    • __future__ division
    • support for running on modern JVMs
    • a new installer
    • ssl and non-blocking support for socket

    This gives Jython the same set of language features as Python 2.2.
    For a more complete list of the additions from 2.1 to 2.2, see the
    NEWS file in the release. Only the version numbers changed in the
    code from 2.2rc3 to this release.


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  7. I'll be giving a talk on Jython 2.2 and current Jython development on Tuesday, August 28, 7pm at 328 Phillips Hall, UNC-Chapel Hill in North Carolina for the Triangle Zope and Python Users Group. It will be a basic introduction to Jython targeted at Python developers, but since I learned my lesson at PyCon, I'll be sure to do more demoing.

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  8. The Jython development team is pleased to announce that Jython 2.2rc3
    is available for download.

    Here are the installation instructions.

    A few new pieces of functionality have been added since 2.2rc2:

    • Added telnetlib from CPython
    • Added cpython_compatible_select to select. See here for information on when to use it.
    • Several more java.nio exceptions are mapped to their corresponding Python error codes when thrown.

    The following bugs are also fixed in this release:

    • recv on closed sockets threw an exception instead returning the empty string
    • A PySystemState being garbage collected caused System.out and System.in to be closed. This would cause 'print' to stop working.
    • Closing a FileWrapper on a socket closes its underlying socket
    • Sockets just have their [In|Out]putStreams closed instead of being properly shutdown by shutdown()
    • SO_REUSEADDR is reset on sockets from a server socket's accept call causing later binds to the server socket's port to fail.
    • Client sockets that have bind called before connect don't respect SO_REUSEADDR
    • execfile() throws a NullPointerException in the interactive console


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  9. I tried the 2.3 branch of Jython with SQLAalchemy against MySQL and found
    that it wasn't that hard to get it to work for a (very) simple test.
    This is by no means complete or even good, but I am keeping the code
    here: http://jython.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jython/trunk/sandbox/wierzbicki/sqlalchemy/

    The three files are a simple test (sqla.py), a monkey-patched version of database/mysql.py (mysql.py) and the "svn diff" against the sqlalchemy repository as of today (mysql.diff), so I can keep track of the changes I made to get things to work. mysql.py can be pasted on top of the real one, then you can run jython (latest from the 2.3 branch) and it works, at least on my
    machine :)

    The table I'm testing against on mysql:

    mysql> select * from users;
    | id | name |
    | 1 | user1 |
    | 2 | user2 |

    The test code looks like this:

    from sqlalchemy import *

    db = create_engine('mysql://username:password@localhost/mydb')
    metadata = BoundMetaData(db)

    users_table = Table('users', metadata, autoload=True)

    s = users_table.select()
    r = s.execute()
    print r.fetchall()

    And produces output that looks like this:

    [(1L, 'user1'), (2L, 'user2')]

    One thing I had to do was switch "re" to "sre" because our "re" is
    missing at least one method. I'll file a bug or fix it (maybe

    I posted this to the sqlalchemy list -- and Michael Bayern
    sounded very enthusiastic about helping to get sqlalchemy running on

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  10. The Jython development team is pleased to announce that Jython 2.2rc2
    is available for download.

    Here are the installation instructions.

    This is a bugfix release.


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