1. Charles Oliver Nutter recently posted on the Jython-dev list with offers of help and advice. He has a weblog entry on the subject. It is very exciting that Sun has shown support for dynamic languages by hiring him and Thomas Enebo to work on JRuby full time. Even more exciting is the offer from Charles to collaborate on some internals, with an eventual goal of making cross language support on the JVM easier, especially cross-language calling (so, for example, objects written in JRuby could easily make a call directly against objects written in Jython).

    Very exciting times.

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  2. As of November 20, 2006 I am a permanent employee at Red Hat. I've been contracting with them for several months, but I didn't think a contract job was worth mentioning.

    So, what does this mean for Jython? Well, working on Jython internals is still an after hours thing, but I've been making some great connections with JBoss folks and with some others at Red Hat that can probably help Jython in the future. Post 2.2 release I plan on making sure the 2.2 version finds its way into Fedora and then eventually on to RHEL, at least as a simple yum or up2date call. Also, at least one JBoss guy I've talked to is interested in making sure that JBoss is a hospitable place to run Jython.

    I'm through the initial ramp-up that comes with working at a new company, and I think I'm going to have more time to work on Jython beginning in early December. Meanwhile, the other developers that are now working on Jython have made great progress, with Charlie Groves committing the last show-stopping feature (slots) just a few days ago. I know I've said this before (I think I've learned my lesson about making promises too quickly, at least as far as Jython is concerned) but we really are closing in on a beta this time.

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