I've been working on a re-design of the Jython website for the last few weeks. I've put the latest version of the re-design up here. [Update mockup link removed as the mockup is gone (having been applied to the real site)]
Here is a summary of the design ideas that are in the mockup:
- Documentation source code: The reStructured Text format from the Docutils project was used for all of the documentation "source code", even the FAQ. Each page has a "View Document Source" link at the bottom if you want to look at the reStructured Text.
- Webpage format: I used a "long page" form for much of the site. That is, I've combined related web pages into single web pages with a table of contents at the top. This way, a simple browser-based search can be used on the pages (cntl-F on most browsers).
- Stylesheets: I used a more modern css based approach for the look and feel of the site. The stylesheets are mainly borrowed from various apache projects, especially the Lenya project. If anyone knows the name of the person (or persons) who wrote the css for the Lenya website, please let me know so I can give credit. The logo used was created by Jesse Ross.
- Navigation: I removed most of the top level navigation, and replaced it all with 2 tabs, one for the main project and another for "related projects". Note that "related projects" doesn't have any content yet.
Please let me know what you think. This is still just a mockup, so there are dead links, missing content, etc. I'll put up a better mockup soon, and then transition to the real site (given community approval).
[Update: this went live long ago -- I should have updated this post when that happened]
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